Sunday, March 9, 2014

Female hyena ovary brings good fortune!!!!!!

Female hyena ovary brings good fortune!!!!!!
 Female hyena ovary brings good fortune!!!!! it's an old superstition in China that says female hyena genital system brings good chance and fortune!!! so it causes their generation met the danger. hunters catch this animal by trap then sell their ovary with high price, it's about 10000 U.S in black market. those who believe in this way take it to get good chance and fortune!!! striped hyena only exists in central Asia and Middle East, because of excessive number of hunting, their generation is facing with extinction and few ones are remained. regarding to this article, it's a strong hypothesis that says in ancient times this hyena hunted people's hens and roosters, then farmers made this lie to get rid of this clever animal and almost they have been
successful on this issue !!

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